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USDX: The Native Currency of the OEX Blockchain

USDX is a new type of stablecoin within the OpenEX ecosystem, designed to provide a stable and reliable medium for value storage and transactions. Unlike traditional stablecoins, USDX is specifically crafted to enhance the liquidity and transaction efficiency within the OpenEX ecosystem. Its value is aimed to be pegged to the US Dollar (USD), maintaining a stable exchange rate of 1:1. In the development of the next-generation Web3 trading platform, the OpenEX Network adopts USDX as its blockchain's base currency. This decision stems from a profound understanding of market demands and continuous optimization for user experience. The introduction of USDX brings significant convenience in transactions and payments, playing a crucial role in reducing transaction costs.

Within the OpenEX ecosystem, USDX serves several key roles:

  • Transaction Medium: USDX is used as the primary currency for all transactions within the platform, reducing the complexity and cost of trades.
  • Fee Payment: Users can use USDX to pay for transaction fees, withdrawal fees, etc., enjoying lower rates and higher efficiency.

Key advantages of USDX as the base currency include:

Transaction and Payment Convenience

As a digital currency with stable value, anchored to the US Dollar, USDX offers users a reliable medium for transactions and value storage, greatly enhancing the convenience of using the OEX blockchain in daily transactions, payments, and various other applications. Users can confidently carry out transactions and payments without worrying about market volatility.

Reduced Transaction Costs

By adopting USDX as the base currency, the OpenEX Network significantly reduces transaction fees. Compared to other blockchain platforms, this feature makes OEX more competitive in handling high-frequency, small-amount transactions. Low-cost transactions are vital for promoting widespread adoption and activity on the network, especially in markets and applications sensitive to transaction costs.


The introduction of USDX is particularly suited for daily small payments, high-frequency small transactions, etc. This provides an ideal solution for payment integration in various online games, AI application scenarios, etc. Developers and business operators can easily integrate the OEX blockchain, using USDX as a payment or reward mechanism, thereby increasing user engagement and market attractiveness of the applications.

Ecosystem Development

By incentivizing the development and use of various applications with USDX, the OEX blockchain can attract more developers and users to its ecosystem. The stability and low transaction cost features of USDX provide a solid foundation for building a thriving, diverse Web3 ecosystem.

Acquisition Methods

Users can automatically exchange mainstream stablecoins (such as USDT, USDC, etc.) for USDX at a 1:1 ratio by transferring them to the OpenEX platform. This process is designed to offer a simple and quick way for users to easily enter the OpenEX ecosystem for trading and participation. The reserve relationship between USDX and other stablecoins is always maintained at 1:1, with slight fluctuations in exchange rates and fees during conversion and redemption based on market conditions and supply-demand, ensuring the stability of USDX value.

Economic Significance of USDX

By introducing USDX, OpenEX provides users with a more stable and efficient trading environment. The design and functionalities of USDX reflect OpenEX's commitment and effort to create a sustainable, user-friendly digital asset trading platform. From an economic perspective, USDX, as a stablecoin reserved 1:1 with various stablecoins, shares a similar design philosophy with a basket of currencies concept. This design offers several advantages:

1. Diversification of Risk

USDX diversifies risk effectively by being reserved 1:1 with multiple stablecoins, mitigating the risks associated with reliance on a single currency source. Compared to stablecoins issued by a single entity (like USDT or USDC), USDX's value is not severely impacted by legal, financial, or operational issues of a single stablecoin's backing entity. This diversified reserve strategy enhances the overall system's stability and resilience against external shocks.

2. Enhanced Stability

A basket of currencies mechanism, by combining multiple assets, balances and stabilizes value, akin to the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights (SDR). This method reduces the impact of any single asset's value fluctuation on USDX stability, offering users a more stable medium for value storage and transactions. In market volatilities, this design maintains USDX value stability, providing a more reliable trading environment for users.

3. Increased Trust and Transparency

Relying on a 1:1 reserve with multiple stablecoins, USDX's value anchoring mechanism becomes more transparent, as it depends on several market-accepted and verified stablecoins. This mechanism ensures USDX's stability and value not solely on the reputation of a single issuer but on the collective credit of multiple stablecoins, thereby increasing user trust in USDX's stable value.

4. Promotion of Market Efficiency

USDX's design promotes liquidity and efficiency across markets. Users can easily convert between different stablecoins and USDX, enhancing the overall cryptocurrency market's liquidity, reducing transaction costs, and improving market efficiency.

5. Support for a Wider Range of Application Scenarios

With enhanced stability and trust, USDX is more readily accepted across various application scenarios, including cross-border payments, decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, and smart contract executions. This broad applicability further expands USDX's use cases, promoting its adoption and acceptance globally. Stable and low-cost transaction currencies can also become the preferred choice for automated payments and transactions between future AI Agent or AGI applications.

In summary, USDX's design philosophy exhibits superior characteristics over stablecoins issued by single entities, especially in terms of risk diversification, stability enhancement, trust increase, and promotion of market efficiency. This stablecoin mechanism, based on a basket of currencies concept, offers a more sound and reliable medium for value storage and transactions in the stablecoin market.